We hope you join us to educate the approximately 600 participants we expect about your products and services.
Why exhibit? Here’s why:
- We will provide access to hundreds of participants primarily from Baltimore and surrounding communities, but also from as far away as California, North Carolina, Louisiana and Chicago—participants who can experience your products and services and spread the word.
- The 600 participants in the Expo promise to be the inspiration and drivers of change in their communities. They are the future leaders, thinkers and voices of opportunity. You will want them to spread the word about your organization and services.
- We are expecting participation among the vendors from government agencies, labor unions, apprenticeship programs, nonprofit health and community-based organizations, entertainers, writers and musicians.
- The NBWCP is creating an educational and entertaining experience that brings communities together to find solutions to fundamental challenges, and that seeds ideas through cultural exchanges that include entertainment, exhibits, workshops and debates.